Active Dead Page Again on Facebook

Step 1 :- Go to Page Setting and Unpublish your page for some days until the reach gets zero..

Step 2 :- Publish It Again And Post A Milestone...

Step 3:- Search a good Post And Post It As"Highlight" Post..
I Mean Update a Highlight Post (if you cant update highlight post than leave it and do next step.

Step 4 :- Change Profile Picture After 2 Hours Exactly...

Step 5 :- Go To Page Settings :- Page Info :- Started On :- Then Change It Into Created On :- 2015 :- And Today's Date ...

Step 6 :- Wait For 1 Day And Don't Post Any Others Content On Your Page..

Step 7 :- After 1 Day Share A Nice Post And Check Your Post After Few Hours Its Get 100 likes If Your Page Fans Are More Than 10k Your Page Reach Will Come Back Lets Do It...

Now Enjoy The Trick........

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